Updates in progress…

Posted in News 26th of August 2011 by Joe Davis

Since going live in December 2010 telescopictext.org has had an almost constant stream of visitors and new people registering for user accounts – much more than I anticipated.

I’ve been caught up with other projects so haven’t given it much of my attention since making it live. However, I am in the process of adding new features that I won’t detail as yet, but which should be beneficial to groups or schools, and individuals wanting more control over the editing process.

The new features are planned for end of September likely to go live in November.

Author page bug fix

Posted in Bug fixes 1st of February 2011 by Joe Davis

There was a problem whereby users trying to access their page to view their published texts or change their email / password were redirected to the home page. This has now been fixed, thanks to a helpful person who emailed in.

Registration bug fix

Posted in Bug fixes 15th of December 2010 by Joe Davis

There was a bug in the registration system that meant some people were unable to access the writing tools, but were taken to a ‘complete registration’ page. This has now been fixed and the writing tools are fully accessible if you are registered and signed in.

TelescopicText.org is live

Posted in News 11th of December 2010 by Joe Davis

Welcome to TelescopicText.org…