You can register here and then you’ll be able to access extra features in the writing tools when signed in. Here is a little overview of the features so the terminology is clear.
Save any texts you write to work on later. Saving a text does not make it publicly accessible, but it is stored on the Telescopic Text server so you can access it whenever you are signed in.
Publishing a text gives it a unique URL, which you can link to or share in whatever way you like, and also it may be featured on the Texts page, as long as you set the privacy setting to “public” when publishing. Once a text has been published it cannot be edited or removed, so be sure that you are happy with it before publishing.
Open any text that you have previously saved, so you can continue working on it.
You can revert to the last saved version of the text you are currently working on. Only do this if you are happy to lose all the changes you’ve made since last saving.
You can duplicate the current text, which might be useful if you want to try taking one text in two or more different directions. Note that when you click duplicate, the duplicate version will become the current text and will contain any changes you’ve made since saving or opening the text you are working on.
You can delete a text permanently. Deletion is irrevocable, so be sure that you want to delete before you do so.
Managing your account
To see a list of your published texts and manage your account details, you can just go to the top right hand corner of any page on and click your username. This will take you to your author page.